The Governor of the Central Bank directs and is responsible for the Bank's operations and is authorised to take decisions on all matters not entrusted to others by law.
Decisions on applying the Central Bank's monetary policy instruments shall be taken by the Monetary Policy Committee. Decisions on the application of the Central Bank’s financial stability policy instruments shall be taken by the Financial Stability Committee. Decisions entrusted to the Financial Supervisory Authority by law or Governmental directives fall under the remit of the Financial Supervision Committee.
Decisions on managing the international reserves and granting guarantees or loans to credit undertakings experiencing liquidity problems shall be taken by the Governor and Deputy Governors at a meeting called by the Governor. Decisions on setting rules on special reserve requirements for new foreign currency inflows on the basis of the Foreign Exchange Act, decisions on setting rules on the operation of regulated foreign exchange markets, and decisions on organisation and the setting of rules on the Bank’s activities shall be taken in the same manner.
The Supervisory Board monitors the Bank’s compliance with the statutory provisions applying to its activities.
The Minister appoints the Governor for a term of five years. The Minister also appoints three Deputy Governors for a term of five years. One Deputy Governor directs matters relating to monetary policy; the second, matters relating to financial stability; and the third, matters relating to financial supervision.
Ásgeir Jónsson
Deputy Governors
Björk Sigurgísladóttir, Deputy Governor for Financial Supervision
Tómas Brynjólfsson, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability
Thórarinn G. Pétursson, Deputy Governor for Monetary Policy
Central Bank of Iceland rules of procedure
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Monetary Policy Committee
Financial Stability Committee
Financial Supervision Committee
Supervisory Board