Measures against money laundering and terrorist financing
The Central bank of Iceland conference on measures against money laundering and terrorist financing was held at the Grand Hótel, Reykjavík, on 5 September 2022. The conference touched upon a range of issues, such as supervisory aspects, purposed amendments in the European Union and the law enforcement standpoint. Speakers will be domestic and foreign experts in issues related to measures against money laundering and terrorist financing.
Conference program
12:30 Registration and coffee
13:00 Opening remarks
Governor Ásgeir Jónsson
13:10 Measures against money laundering and terrorist financing – a supervisors standpoint
Unnur Gunnarsdóttir, Deputy Governor for Financial Supervision
13:40 The upcoming changes in the European AML/CFT legal framework
Olena Loboiko, European Commission
14:20 The latest developments in the EU related to AML/CFT – EBA’s role
Endija Springe, European Banking Authority
15:00 Coffee
15:20 Data-driven AML/CFT supervision
Petra Vriend, De Nederlandsche Bank
16:00 Serious and organised crime, the need and ability to launder criminal profits
Grímur Grímsson, Reykjavik Metropolitan police
16:30 Closing remarks
16:45 Cocktail reception for all guests

Unnur Gunnarsdóttir
Unnur Gunnarsdóttir is Deputy Governor at the Central Bank of Iceland for Financial Supervision. She is the chair of the Financial Supervision Committee and a member of the Financial Stability Committee. From 2012, until the merger with the Central Bank of Iceland in 2020, she was Director General of the Financial Supervisory Authority.
Unnur has extensive experience of legal work in the financial sphere, including public administration and judicial functions. She worked for a number of years in the bank inspectorate of the Central Bank of Iceland. After that she was a financial services expert with regard to the EEA Agreement at the EFTA Secretariat in Brussels. She also served as managing director of the payment mediation company Fjölgreiðslumiðlun. In public administration, Unnur was a director in the Ministry of Communications and Municipalities for seven years, acting District Court judge at the Reykjavík District Court and Chief Legal Counsel at the Financial Supervisory Authority.
Unnur Gunnarsdóttir is a law graduate of the University of Iceland. Unnur has pursued post-graduate studies in Toronto, London and Barcelona.
Presentation - Unnur Gunnarsdóttir

Olena Loboiko
Olena is a policy officer at the European Commission, currently working in the Financial Crime unit of DG FISMA, with 10 years of experience and expertise in European regulatory and policy framework in the financial sector. Over the last 3 years, Olena has been involved in all Commission’s initiatives the area of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism relating to the financial sector, including the recent legislative proposals. Previously, Olena has worked in the Banking unit of DG FISMA, in the area of prudential regulation for banks.
Before joining the European Commission in 2017, Olena has worked at De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank) in the area of prudential supervisory policy for over 5 years. Olena received her LLM in European Union law (cum laude) from Erasmus University of Rotterdam in 2011, and is an MBA candidate at Bayes Business School, City University of London.

Endija Springe
Mrs Endija Springe joined the European Banking Authority 5.5 years ago as a Policy Expert in anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism.
Since joining the EBA, Mrs Springe, among other things, has established the framework for supervisory cooperation in the EU through AML/CFT colleges. She has also led work on improving supervisory convergence through the revision of the ESAs Risk Based Supervision Guidelines and by carrying out reviews of competent authorities’ approaches to AML/CFT supervision. She has also worked on raising awareness of money laundering and terrorist financing risks in the EU through various training events and other initiatives.
Before joining the EBA, Mrs Springe worked as an AML/CFT supervisor at the Central Bank of Ireland and in various compliance roles in the Irish financial services sector.

Petra Vriend
Petra Vriend is Head of Department, Supervision Financial Crime, at the Dutch Central Bank (DNB). Petra had a long career in commercial banking at ING Bank before joining DNB in 2017. After 3 years in banking supervision in the area of AML/CFT she took on the role of department head, focusing on intelligence, data driven supervision and strategy as well as on supervision of the crypto sector.
Her main interest is in the area of improving processes and using data and new technology to improve the effectiveness of the current AML practice. Her extensive experience with AML/CFT processes at ING gives her a thorough understanding of the challenges banks and other financial institutions face trying to comply with national and international legislation. At the same time her role at DNB affords her a broad view of all stakeholders involved, private as well as public.
Petra holds a degree in business economics.

Grímur Grímsson
Mr Grímur Grímsson is a Chief Superintendent at The Reykjavík Metropolitan Police. He is the head of Criminal Investigation Division and responsible for Serious and Organized Crime, Sexual offences and Investigation Support services.
Mr Grímsson joined the Police in 1987. In his career, he has held various positions within the police, including in uniform Police, in criminal investigations and as a liaison officer at Europol.
Presentation - Grímur Grímsson