Annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund, 8 - 11 October 2010
The annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund were held on 8 October, and the IMF Monetary and Finance Committee met on 9 October. Már Guðmundsson, Governor of the Central Bank of Iceland and Iceland’s representative to the Board of Governors of the IMF, attended the meetings. The annual speech of the Nordic-Baltic Constituency was delivered by Norges Bank Governor Svein Gjedrem. The Constituency’s representative on the IMF Monetary and Finance Committee was Norwegian Minister of Finance Sigbjørn Johnsen. Both the speech and the Nordic-Baltic Constituency’s statement to the Monetary and Financial Committee are published in their entirety on the websites of the Central Bank of Iceland and the International Monetary Fund. They can be found here:
Speech of the Nordic-Baltic Constituency, fall 2010 (pdf)
Statement of the Nordic-Baltic Constituency, fall 2010 (pdf)
In connection with the fall meetings of the International Monetary Fund, a conference was held by US investment bank JP Morgan on 9 October. Icelandic Minister of Finance Steingrímur J. Sigfússon and Central Bank of Iceland Governor Már Guðmundsson gave speeches at the conference. The slide presentations accompanying their speeches can be found here:
Erindi fjármálaráðherra Minister of Finance, speech presentation (pdf)
Erindi seðlabankastjóra Central Bank Governor, speech presentation (pdf)
In addition, Governor Guðmundsson met with other central bank governors, international financial institutions, rating agencies, and IMF executives and staff. He also attended a meeting of the Group of Trustees of the Principles for Stable Capital Flows and Fair Debt Restructuring, as a recently appointed member of the Trustees, a committee led by Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor of the European Central Bank; Henrique de Campos Meirelles, Governor of the Central Bank of Brazil; and Toshihiko Fukui, former Governor of the Bank of Japan. Further information on the work carried out by the Group of Trustees can be found here: www.iif.com
Other materials related to the annual meetings of the Monetary and Financial Committee can be found on the IMF website: www.imf.org