Rules on Foreign Exchange
In accordance with Temporary Provision I of the Foreign Exchange Act, no. 87/1992, with subsequent amendments, and the provisions contained in Article 17 of the Rules on Foreign Exchange, no. 370/2010, the Central Bank of Iceland has completed its review of the currently valid Rules on Foreign Exchange, no. 370/2010; cf. Advertisement no. 843/2010, which was published in Section B of the Law and Ministerial Gazette (Stjórnartíðindi) on 29 October 2010. As is stated in the advertisement, the Central Bank considered it unnecessary to amend the current Rules, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs granted its consent with a letter dated 27 October 2010.
As a result, the Rules on Foreign Exchange, no. 370/2010, shall retain their validity without amendment.
See: Rules on Foreign Exchange, no. 370/2010, from 29 April 2010.
See as well the Advertisement in Law and Ministerial Gazett (Stjórnartíðindi) on 29 October 2010. Advertisement no. 843/2010 from 29 October 2010.
Further information can be obtained from Anna Dóra Helgadóttir, acting head of the Capital Controls Surveillance Unit of the Central Bank of Iceland, at tel +354 569 9600.
No. 29/2010
1 November 2010