30 November 2020
Current account deficit of 1.2 b.kr. in Q3 2020 - Net international investment position positive by 33.5% of GDP

In Q3/2020, the current account showed a deficit of 1.2 b.kr., as compared with a deficit of 5.9 b.kr. in the previous quarter. The deficit on goods trade totalled 33.9 b.kr., while the surplus on services trade totalled 20.4 b.kr. There was a 13.5 b.kr. surplus on primary income and a 1.1 b.kr. deficit on secondary income. The net international investment position was positive by 969 b.kr., or 33.5% of GDP, and improved by 142 b.kr., or 5% of GDP, during the quarter. The Central Bank has revised its quarterly statistics on the balance of payments and the IIP back to 1995.
See further: Press release no 41/2020: Current account deficit 1.2 b.kr. in Q3/2020 – net IIP positive by 969 b.kr.
No. 41/2020
30 November 2020