The IMF Special Data Dissemination Standard
In 1996, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) established its Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) for economic and financial statistics. The Central Bank subscribed to the SDDS on 21 June 1996. The standard assumes, among other things, that specific statistical information is published within a specified length of time from the end of the period covered. The date and time of publication shall be determined in advance. In view of this, the Central Bank posts a publication calendar for statistics on its website. The statistics published by the Central Bank and covered by the standard include the following: banking system statistics, Central Bank balance sheet, direct investment, Central Bank external position, Iceland’s international investment position, external liabilities, foreign exchange reserves and related items, balance of payments, interest rates, and share price indices.
The publication standard stipulates that public entities shall republish key share price indices. The OMXI10 and the OMXI All-Share Price Index, among others, are posted on the Nasdaq Iceland stock exchange website.
Metadata for share price indices
In addition to provisions about publication calendars, the SDDS requires that information covered by the standard be published in accordance with IMF definitions so as to ensure comparability between countries. In connection with this, the Bank maintains a website where it publishes data falling under the SDDS. The website is maintained jointly by the Central Bank and Statistics Iceland.
Further information about the Special Data Dissemination Standard can be found on the IMF Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (http://www.dsbb.imf.org). Details of data disseminated by the Central Bank of Iceland and other Icelandic institutions obliged to comply with the standard are published on that page and on a separate website containing information about methodology and publication practices among subscribers to the SDDS.