International investment position
06. March
At the end of Q4, the net international investment position was positive by 1,963 b.kr., or 42.5% of GDP. It improved by 120 b.kr., or 2.6% of GDP, during the quarter. External assets totalled 6,549 b.kr. at the end of the quarter, and external liabilities were 4,586 b.kr. The position improved by 79 b.kr. during the quarter, owing to financing activities. Foreign assets increased by 140 b.kr. and foreign liabilities by 61 b.kr. Price and exchange rate movements during the quarter increased asset values by 21 b.kr. and reduced the value of liabilities by 30 b.kr., thereby yielding an improvement of 51 b.kr. in the net external position. The króna appreciated during the quarter by just under 3.5% in terms of the trade-weighted index. Prices in foreign securities markets fell by 0.4% between quarters, and prices in the domestic stock market rose by 16.3%.
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