Real exchange rate

07. March

February 2025

Real exchange rate of the Icelandic krona was 95.3 points in February, unchanged compared to the preceding month. The real exchange rate index measured by relative consumer prices for February was 3.1% higher compared to the same month of the year 2024.

The quarterly index of the real exchange rate measured by relative consumer prices was 95.4 points in the fourth quarter of 2024 (2005=100), which is an increase of 2.1% compared to the third quarter of 2024.

The real exchange rate measured by relative labor cost was 94.1 points (2005 = 100) in the fourth quarter of 2024. This is a decrease by 2.1% compared to the third quarter of 2024.
(Please notice that Statistics Iceland published new data on population estimates in its´ Labor Market Survey at the end of February and the data were reassessed from the beginning of 2011.
As a result, wages and salaries per unit of production were revised from that point on. Wages and related expenses were also revised from 2018 in Statistics Iceland's new production accounts.
The real exchange rate based on relative wage costs was therefore revised slightly from the first quarter of 2011).


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Supervisor: Economics and Monetary Policy |