Financial Stability 2018/2
The Bank’s Financial Stability report 2018/2 presents an overview of the position of the financial system, its strengths and potential weaknesses, and the macroeconomic and operational risks it may face. Financial Stability is also published in Icelandic under the title Fjármálastöðugleiki.
MoreMinutes of the MPC
Here are the minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Iceland from the meeting held on 1 and 2 October 2018. There, the Committee discussed economic and financial market developments, the interest rate decision on 3 October, and the communication of that decision.
MoreSpecial publication no. 12: Rafkróna - Interim report
The Central Bank of Iceland has published a report on the advantages and disadvantages of the issuance of digital currency of the Bank – a rafkróna. The report, which is the twelfth in the Special Publications series, is accessible on the Central Bank of Iceland website.
MoreMerger of Central Bank of Iceland and Financial Supervisory Authority in preparation - Inflation targeting to remain the principal objective of monetary policy
Today, it was announced that work has commenced on a review of the statutory framework for monetary policy, macroprudential policy, and financial market supervision, including a merger of the Central Bank of Iceland and the Financial Supervisory Authority.
MoreEconomy of Iceland 2018
The Central Bank of Iceland has published Economy of Iceland 2018 on its website. Economy of Iceland is a biennial booklet that has been issued by the Bank since 1987. It is intended mainly for an international readership. This includes international institutions that deal with Icelandic economic matters on a regular basis, rating agencies, financial institutions, foreign investors, embassies and diplomatic missions and, more generally, anyone who is interested in general information about the Icelandic economy. We also hope that Icelandic readers will find this survey useful. Economy of Iceland focuses on the structure and characteristics of the Icelandic economy. It is intended to serve as background material for understanding the evolution of the economy, but it does not provide a detailed account of recent developments. Comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of recent economic and financial developments and prospects can be found in the Central Bank’s Monetary Bulletin and Financial Stability reports. The Bank’s Annual Report also gives an overview of economic developments each year.